Where to Start with Industrial Endpoint Security: Fundamental First Steps

Two team members working on operational technology equipment.

October 15, 2024

As cyber threats continue to increase and evolve, industrial facilities face additional pressure to secure their production environments. In our previous article, we introduced Interstates’ Endpoint Security as a Service (ESaaS) and discussed the critical role of endpoint security in industrial settings. Now, we’ll explore where to begin when implementing an endpoint security strategy. While each facility’s Operational Technology (OT) and security needs vary, starting with foundational steps can significantly reduce your risk and help you create a solid cybersecurity posture.

The Starting Point

The first step to securing endpoints is understanding what assets you have in place. Brandon Bohle, the Endpoint Security Team Lead at Interstates, says, “Before you can protect anything, you have to know what’s out there and how important those assets are to your facility’s production.” Conducting a risk assessment helps determine the value of each system based on factors such as confidentiality, integrity, availability, and safety. Systems critical to production or those handling sensitive data should be prioritized. Benjamin Arnold, Senior Offer Manager at Interstates, adds, “A thorough assessment allows you to focus on the systems that have the greatest impact.”

Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Implementing endpoint security can present several challenges, and your approach depends on various factors. One of the most common hurdles is outdated software or a reliance on unsupported applications. Bohle explains, “Some facilities rely on legacy systems that are difficult to patch or upgrade, leading to vulnerabilities.” He suggests using application control to mitigate this risk, allowing only approved processes to run. This method is particularly useful for environments where frequent updates aren’t feasible. Additionally, Bohle recommends creating a test environment to trial updates before deploying them in production to prevent unexpected disruptions.

Prioritizing Endpoint Security Measures

Once your critical assets are identified, you can begin implementing the security measures that will be most effective for your situation. According to Bohle, “Patch management is a great starting point for most facilities, followed by establishing strong backup and redundancy systems.” He advises against a one-size-fits-all approach, advocating for layered security. “It’s about balancing all the layers—if one fails, another can pick up the slack,” he notes. Arnold further emphasizes the importance of tailored solutions, remarking, “We understand that no two production environments are the same, so we adapt our endpoint security approach to each facility’s unique needs.”

Measuring Success and Avoiding Pitfalls

Measuring the effectiveness of endpoint security can be difficult. “It’s like insurance,” says Arnold. “If you don’t have an incident, it’s hard to gauge how effective your protections are.” However, both Arnold and Bohle stress that consistent investment is critical. Bohle explains, “Staying stagnant is a mistake. Bad actors evolve, and so should your security measures.” He advises continually iterating on existing protections to stay ahead of potential threats. Facilities should also avoid the common mistake of underestimating their vulnerability due to their size. As Arnold points out, “Cybersecurity is an investment, and it’s one you can’t afford to overlook.”

Ready to Get Started?

Starting with basic security measures, such as patch management and backups, lays the foundation for a more secure industrial environment. These steps protect your critical systems and provide a framework for scaling endpoint security as your needs evolve. By focusing on layered security and continuous improvement, you can better safeguard your operations and prepare for future challenges. Implementing endpoint security can be arduous, so having a trusted partner like Interstates with a proven ESaaS solution can make all the difference. With a deep bench of OT experts and an in-depth understanding of industrial production systems and equipment, our teams can help you on your journey to protect your machines, production, and people.