PID Loop Monitoring for Increased Process Efficiency

Three people view a PID loop on a monitor.

July 15, 2024

Interstates recently helped a consumer-packaged goods client improve the efficiency and reliability of its production processes. Utilizing our PID loop monitoring tool, we provided a comprehensive solution to address issues related to product consistency and system performance.

David King, Analytics Delivery Leader at Interstates, says, “A PID loop is a Proportional-Integral-Derivative controller. Control loops are the interface between equipment and process. The stability, reliability, and optimal performance of an industrial process depend on the stability and performance of the fleet of control loops used to operate and control that process. Suboptimal control loops can directly impact equipment reliability, equipment lifetime, and operational performance. It is essential to manage the performance of control loops as valuable assets that should be continuously monitored and optimized. Think of the cruise control in your car – the gas pedal, car speed, and target speed. You want to accelerate to your target speed quickly but without overshooting or creating oscillation in your car’s speed.” In short, PID loop monitoring gives you visibility into how close your control loops stay to your target.

Our client faced persistent challenges with their bottle-filling operations, particularly with maintaining consistent product dispensation. The lack of visibility into process variables made it difficult to troubleshoot issues and even harder to optimize performance. Interstates provided a solution that would not only increase monitoring capabilities but also enhance operational efficiency.

PID Loop User Dashboard – displaying events and statistics on loop performance over the last 7 days.

Here’s how our PID loop monitoring tool made a tangible difference:

  1. Implementation of Virtual Machine (VM) and PID Loop Monitoring Software:
    We deployed a virtual machine to run the PID loop monitoring software. This VM collects real-time process data from a programmable logic controller (PLC). The data is monitored, and helpful alerts are generated based on pre-set analytical baselines.
  2. Targeted, Comprehensive Coverage:
    The solution was implemented in one area of the plant, covering seven packing lines. This focused approach allowed for detailed monitoring and control and addressed specific areas where the client was experiencing the most significant issues.
  3. Real-Time Alerts and Data Insights:
    Process engineers and maintenance technicians received alerts about PID loop performance, including contextual data such as pump speed, frequency, and setpoints. This real-time feedback enabled the client to make informed decisions quickly, improving overall process efficiency.
Daily Run Scoring Dashboard – showing travel time of each PID loop and displaying a Green/Yellow/Red performance of each loop over each day.

Gaining Visibility into System Performance

The client’s primary challenge was a lack of visibility into the process variables on their bottle-filling machine. By implementing Interstates’ PID loop monitoring tool, the client could see how changes in the process affected overall system performance. For example, the tool provided insights into the pressure variations in tanks, which are critical for maintaining product quality.

The data showed that when the tanks were full, there was less variation in pump speed due to stable pressure levels. As the tanks dispensed the product, higher variations occurred, reflecting the need for adjustments based on tank levels. These insights allowed the client to make precise adjustments, ensuring consistent product quality.

PID Loop Performance Trend – showing trends of PID performance with additional context of the key indicators from the machine.

Dashboards Provide Practical Benefits

The successful implementation of the PID loop monitoring tool resulted in several positive outcomes. The client’s process engineer notes, “The PID loop monitoring tool has enabled us to historically analyze instances where we have had issues filling and allowed us to visualize it in a way that is very similar to our PLC trend. This enables us to solve issues without having to be on the line.”

The client was also highly satisfied with the dashboards provided, particularly the Select PID – Influx Trends dashboard. The tool has become integral to their operations, enabling better decision-making and operational efficiency. Looking forward, the client is discussing the potential to expand the PID loop monitoring solution to other sites and processes across their organization, underscoring how Interstates’ innovative solutions can transform our clients’ operations and lead to more efficient and reliable production processes.