Building Consistency: Standardizing for Dependable Results

Two Interstates team members working at a computer together.

Doug Post | July 8, 2024

“Standardize to Scale” is a current strategic theme at Interstates. We intend to leverage our core values of dependability and integrity so that you, our clients, receive consistent results.

What does it look like when we incorporate the “Standardize to Scale” theme? It’s a mindset shift from individual standards to Interstates standards, which basically means we’re building and integrating standards into our systems. Why are we pursuing standardization across our organization? It’s so that you, our clients, receive consistent products, results, and services no matter the project leader or Interstates office you work with.

Our goal is to build a wall of dependability, one “integrity brick” at a time. We want our clients to experience Interstates doing what we say we will do (integrity) repeatedly (dependability) so that they know what to expect from us.

From a performance perspective, integrity means, “I do what I say – every time.” Integrity is based on honoring and keeping your word. That’s why Interstates has defined this core value as “being honest and forthright in all our dealings.” Honesty and integrity are two sides of the same coin. Author Michael Hyatt puts it well: “Honesty is making your words match reality; integrity is making reality match your words.” This is how Interstates builds relationships.

We want to remain consistent across all our services, solutions, and work. “Standardize to Scale” at Interstates is more than just a strategic initiative; it’s a commitment to our clients. By embedding our core values of dependability and integrity into every aspect of our operations, we ensure that you receive consistent, high-quality results across all projects and interactions. At Interstates, we work hard to create a seamless and dependable experience so you always know what to expect from us.